Stony Point High School

The Extended Essay
Every year the IB Diploma candidates must complete the Extended Essay (EE). This is a 4,000 word research thesis paper written in an IB subject of their choice. Stony Point High School students begin the Extended Essay process midway through the junior year, with final submission of their paper due in January of the senior year. Throughout the writing of this paper, each student is paired with a teacher supervisor who helps them design and direct their paper to meet the required IB criteria. The Extended Essay is one of the most essential tools the students take with them as they prepare for the college experience.
EE Samples
Studies in Language and Literature
Computer Science
World Studies extended essay (WSEE)
Extended Essay Links
EE Old Grading Rubric (Use with Evidence Outline Assignment)
EE Global Themes & Subject Guides
Environmental Systems and Societies
Information Technology in a Global Society
Social & Cultural Anthropology
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Look in the full
EE Guide above.